Whimsical Art

Whimsical Art

I am a huge supporter of Art, especially art that is kid friendly. I just hate that art programs are the first to be dropped during budget cuts.
Art is so important for children. Art fosters creativity in children which in turn helps them to think outside the box. It opens their minds to the beauty and wonder that is all around them just waiting to be discovered, outside of the little bubbles they live in.
That’s why I love this artist on etsy. These prints are vibrant and beautiful and challenges those little minds to find the meanings behind the art without being so abstract that they can’t grasp it ,we can’t start them out with Picasso, I mean, I still don’t get that stuff.

The shop also offers customizable prints for birthdays, like this one, which can be customized with a banner and a different number of candles to represent your child’s age.

Stop by and check the shop out by clicking in the pictures above. They have tons of great prints for really affordable prices. Come on, When is the last time you bought anything close to art for $18.00?

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