Garden Progress

Garden Progress

We (as in I dragged David into it kicking and screaming) have decided to tend our own garden this year.  It’s a little ambitious since we are going on a trip to Vegas for my 30th and apparently things can not be planted all willy-nilly.

Behind our house there is evidence that someone has had a garden back there.  However, mother earth has reclaimed this little patch of land, which meant a WHOLE lotta work for us.

David removed all the wire fencing that had been left behind and rolled it up so that we can use it for all our climbing veggies.  I commenced pulling weeds.  It sucked.

Then we were ready to till.  The tiller that we borrowed from my step-dad wouldn’t start.  That sucked too.

So this is where we ended up at the end of the day:

This glass of wine, however, did not suck.  As usual it made the sucky things seem a lot less….well…. sucky.

BTW, yes I know my nails are dirty, that’s how I like em’!

David also took on another project that I was ecstatic about.  He installed a door going straight out to the garden from what will one day be my potting shed.

In this picture you can kind of see the action that was happening in the garden before we ripped everything out.

One day my potting shed will look like this:



I’ll update soon with pics as soon as we get everything planted!


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